Silver Lifetime
The game that inspires you with cheeky questions to make your retirement fulfilling.
Game Information
Last updated at 05/16/2024, 4:42 PM
- Silver Lifetime
- The game that inspires you with cheeky questions to make your retirement fulfilling.
- Physical card game, to be released from 1 October 2024.
- Socialization GameVerhalten des Spielers reflektierend discover
- Socialization GameActions of player galvanizing inspirierend
Who among us can will start his/her own company after retirement, help children with their homework or fall off a camel in the Sahara desert?
Whether at the family table, in a sports club or at a neighbourhood festival:
Silver Lifetime is an inspiring and entertaining game with 175 funny and surprising questions about ideas and opportunities after retirement. In a game round of 2-8 players, the questions are read aloud, categorized into adventurous, entrepreneurial, committed, relaxing and active inspiration. Then all players carry out a self-assessment with a YES/NO-platelet and point with their arrow-platelet to the person to whom they think the question applies best (third-party assessment). With a correct assessment (arrow points to YES), an empathy point is collected for the group.
After the empathy points have been awarded, the group discusses how the players have come to their respective assessments, and arrows may also be redirected to the input of the players. If everyone is satisfied with their ranking, each player notes as many strokes in the activity profile of the active question as arrows pointed at him/her. At the end of the game, each player is evaluated for their individual activity profile with tips and recommendations for further inspiration. In addition to the 125 inspirational questions, there are also 50 reflection-cards. Reflection questions only involve a self-assessment. They contain reflective questions about health, sleep, nutrition, fitness, friends, attitude to life and mindfulness (characteristics from the Blue Zones, i.e. regions of the world where people age healthily and have a high life expectancy). Goal of the reflexion-cards is to encourage self-reflection and invite people to exchange thoughts, fears and views.
- retirement
- Gesellschaftsspiel
- Kartenspiel
- physisches Spiel
- kooperatives Gesellschaftsspiel
Game Mode
- Cooperative multiplayer
- Local multiplayer
- kooperatives Gesellschaftsspiel
- physisches Gesellschaftsspiel
Play Time
- Adjustable. Between 30-60 minutes
- Version 1 | complete
Fields for health games
Intended Effects
- Inspiring prospective retirees to think about how they can organize their retirement and to reflect on this with friends and family.
Therapy Training Program Principles
- The game encourages friends or family to think about ideas and possibilities after retirement and to initiate in-depth discussions. Through self-assessment and external evaluation, the gamblers find out what activities others trust them to do and reflect on positive and negative properties.