Quality Label

Certified Serious Games

To promote the quality of Serious Games, based on the knowledge gained from the development of the Serious Games Information Center and the elaboration of the Serious Games Metadata Format (SG-MDF, DIN SPEC 91380) as well as comprehensive experience based on discussions with stakeholders of the Serious Games market in the context of the technology transfer project WTT Serious Games, the socalled RAL Serious Games Gütegemeinschaft e.V. has been founded. The overall aim of that Serious Games “lobby” association is to promote the quality of serious games in general and to provide a quality label (“stamp”) for good Serious Games. The quality label offers potential users/customers valuable information about the quality of the described serious games and thus facilitates the decision whether a game should be purchased/used or not. Further information about the quality label and its underlying Serious Games quality parameter/criteria:

Certified Serious Games


Sphery Racer


The Sphery Racer is controlled with holistic functional training movements with scalable intensity (moderate to HIIT). Functional training is known for its overall training effects to increase endurance, strength and coordination. The additional cognitive challenge provided to the player through various audio-visual stimuli makes Sphery Racer a holistic body and brain workout. STORY TRAINING PLAN Enter cyberspace as a bit-runner and battle your way through 15 varied training missions. Hack deep into the system core and collect all the data that crosses your path while raising your fitness level to new heights. But beware, a crazy A.I. is rampaging through cyberspace and has it in for you.


The Great Climate Challenge

Polar ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising, weather extremes are in the news every day – climate-related hazards are becoming more intense, longer and more frequent. Climate scientists agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. But where do scientists work in the field to get the facts on climate change? And how do they gather and analyze data from the atmosphere, oceans and land? To find out about these often neglected subjects, the user travels to four remote research stations all over the world (and space) to meet four young scientists in the field. There, many tasks have to be solved by the user to finally receive the “license to have a say in the climate debate”.


Die Müll AG (Trashmonsters)

Welcome to the world of the trashmonsters

When it comes to the topic of waste separation, many citizens are able to judge by which types of waste are sorted in their hometown, but when it comes to assigning concrete waste products to the correct bin, most soon reach the limits of their own knowledge. The educational children's game "Die Müll AG", starts where waste separation is to be learned for the first time, in primary school. With its well-thought-out concept and lovingly elaborated story, it appeals to waste sorters of all ages, to whom it introduces correct waste separation as well as the wider world of waste management through its playful approach. The app is packaged as an interactive adventure game, on whose adventure journey the players get to know the charismatic trashmonsters, with whom they overcome all hurdles together.