Serious Games

65 Games

Programming Cobots in VR Demo

Environment in which the handling of cobots can be practised in small tasks in VR and also as a desktop application.


Learning health literacy in a playful way

Take a health quiz and measure your knowledge! VitaQuiz currently offers you more than 1,500 health-related questions (health, nutrition, patient rights, medication, emergencies, prevention, basic knowledge) and is updated daily. You can measure your knowledge against others in matches, use the radar to visit health-related facilities (doctors, pharmacies, clinics) in the real world and play extra questions and use the scanner to obtain additional knowledge about each medication or scan new knowledge modules. And with the VitaQuiz currency Quizzel, which you earn, you can upgrade your 3D avatar in the shop or get jokers and new quiz packs (including non-medical ones!). VitaQuiz can be played in between (e.g. during waiting times) and noticeably and measurably improves your health knowledge. And the longer you use it, the more competent you become.

Silver Lifetime

The game that inspires you with cheeky questions to make your retirement fulfilling.

Who among us can will start his/her own company after retirement, help children with their homework or fall off a camel in the Sahara desert? Whether at the family table, in a sports club or at a neighbourhood festival: Silver Lifetime is an inspiring and entertaining game with 175 funny and surprising questions about ideas and opportunities after retirement. In a game round of 2-8 players, the questions are read aloud, categorized into adventurous, entrepreneurial, committed, relaxing and active inspiration. Then all players carry out a self-assessment with a YES/NO-platelet and point with their arrow-platelet to the person to whom they think the question applies best (third-party assessment). With a correct assessment (arrow points to YES), an empathy point is collected for the group. After the empathy points have been awarded, the group discusses how the players have come to their respective assessments, and arrows may also be redirected to the input of the players. If everyone is satisfied with their ranking, each player notes as many strokes in the activity profile of the active question as arrows pointed at him/her. At the end of the game, each player is evaluated for their individual activity profile with tips and recommendations for further inspiration. In addition to the 125 inspirational questions, there are also 50 reflection-cards. Reflection questions only involve a self-assessment. They contain reflective questions about health, sleep, nutrition, fitness, friends, attitude to life and mindfulness (characteristics from the Blue Zones, i.e. regions of the world where people age healthily and have a high life expectancy). Goal of the reflexion-cards is to encourage self-reflection and invite people to exchange thoughts, fears and views.

Jeannes Reise

A serious game about Haiti

Accompany Jeanne on her journey to Haiti! Thematically, the video game deals with (post-)colonial structures and the associated emergence of the Restavèk system in Haiti. The free-to-play graphic novel game aims to promote non-European perspectives, critically scrutinise the European perspective and highlight the connections between global power structures and persistent grievances. The accompanying skills pack for teachers is also available free of charge and includes classification in the framework curriculum, ideas for integration into lessons, introduction and debriefing.

emergenCITY - eHUBgaming

eHUBgaming is associated to the field of Disaster Risk Management (DRM). As a means of knowledge transfer, it intends to prepare the population for a blackout. Designed as a point&click adventure, the player steps into the role of a resident who is confronted with the occurrence of a three-day power failure. Now the player must get by with limited energy without neglecting his or her basic needs. In parallel, events take place that call for the players attention. The learning goals refer to what the consequences of a blackout are and how to prepare and cope with a blackout. eHUBgaming is intended to be distributed by civil protection stakeholders to any citizen who takes concern in preparedness and coping, thus leveraging community resilience. It is developed in the LOEWE center emergenCITY as part of the cross-sectional mission eHUB, a demonstrator building which is also the setting of the game.


Together with the Neanderthal Museum, the Prehistoric Museum Blaubeuren and the Vogelherd site, we developed a comprehensive prototype about life in the Ice Age. The aim was to sharpen the basic picture of the Ice Age, especially in the immediate vicinity of the sites of the participating museums. What did Europe look like 40,000 years ago? What did flora and fauna look like then compared to today? What kind of people were there, and how did they interact? The idea was not to copy an existing analog experience, as is the case in a virtual exhibition, for example. The idea was to create something completely new. The mobile game Eiszeitwelten (Ice Age Worlds) extends the physical museum space and offers a first, simple access to the topic "Life in the Ice Age". The digital journey of discovery is aimed at a young audience and can be played independently of the museum visit. In three exciting, independent stories, players* can explore the world, collect materials to make tools, hunt or complete tasks for their group. Each world is assigned to one of the three museums involved in the project, and each story focuses on a topic appropriate to the museum. For example, in "The Monster" the players explore the dangers of the Ice Age as Neanderthals and prove themselves in hunting. In "Save the Feast" and "The Test," the players take on the role of an anatomically modern human being and learn what role art and music played more than 40,000 years ago. They are supported by a loyal, animal ice age companion: the snow grouse.

Friedrich Ebert

A way of democracy

Unique access to the life of Friedrich Ebert The serious game "Friedrich Ebert - The Road to Democracy" enables the players to slip into the role of Friedrich Ebert and to master all challenges in order to build and maintain a stable democracy in Germany. To do this, they deal with correspondence at his desk with concerns from various interest groups. They have to weigh up where there is an acute need for action, i.e. which problem is the most urgent at any given time. If one interest group is neglected too much, the game is lost. Initiate, develop, create and preserve democracy In terms of content, "Friedrich Ebert - The Road to Democracy" is divided into four chapters covering the years from 1900 to 1925. Chapter 1, "Democracy in the Making - The Empire 1900 to 1913" , focuses on the social and political problems of the time and the SPD's efforts to reform the party. It introduces the beginning of Ebert's party political career and accompanies him until his election as chairman in 1913. The second chapter, "Working for Democracy - The First World War 1914 to 1918" , covers the years of the First World War as a profound turning point and focuses on how the SPD dealt with challenges. Ebert is accompanied here up to his short chancellorship, which lasted only one day. The third chapter , entitled "Creating Democracy", dexamines the revolution from 1918 to 1919, focusing on the course of the November Revolution and the establishment of a basic democratic order. In contrast to the previous chapters, Ebert now had greater room for maneuver. Toward the end of the chapter, he is elected president of the Reich and signs the constitution. This is where the concluding chapter 4 comes in. It is entitled "Preserving Democracy - The Early Weimar Republic 1920 to 1925".

Mission 1929

Freiheit unter Druck

The year is 1929, and the Weimar Republic celebrates its 10th birthday in August. As a young Berlin journalist, you have spent the last few years enjoying the prosperous life. But something is bothering you: The young democracy around you seems to crumble and you ask yourself: Where is the resistance? Why do people stand idly by while their republic and their freedom are attacked? Therefore, you set yourself a goal: you will shake people up, warn them about the growing dangers to democracy! Go to the people and find out what is going wrong. Print leaflets that strike a nerve with the people! You have to warn as many as possible about the impending doom while you still can...

Sibel's Journey

Approaching the subject of sexuality and gender in early adolescence can be scary, overwhelming, and often shameful. As a countermeasure, Sibel’s Journey taps into the potential of mobile games as a proven method for self-learning. The players interactively explore the content without having to ask an adult. As players’ engagement with the game increases, their motivation and ability to remember the learning material improves. The game follows 13-year-old Sibel, who meets interesting people during an exciting weekend in Berlin. She gets to know their different ways of living and loving, then finally discovers the secret of her best friend Sarah. Adopting an intersectional approach, Sibel’s Journey provides young people with sound knowledge and a positive attitude about topics such as anatomy, body image, communication, contraception, gender identity, and healthy relationships.


rewired is an asymmetric cooperative VR escape learning game in which at least two players have to repair the electrical systems of a space station to prevent a crash. Game players must work together to learn fundamentals of electrical engineering and demonstrate their knowledge in an action-oriented manner. Properties of electric current can be explored in a safe virtual 3D environment.


Sphery Racer


The Sphery Racer is controlled with holistic functional training movements with scalable intensity (moderate to HIIT). Functional training is known for its overall training effects to increase endurance, strength and coordination. The additional cognitive challenge provided to the player through various audio-visual stimuli makes Sphery Racer a holistic body and brain workout. STORY TRAINING PLAN Enter cyberspace as a bit-runner and battle your way through 15 varied training missions. Hack deep into the system core and collect all the data that crosses your path while raising your fitness level to new heights. But beware, a crazy A.I. is rampaging through cyberspace and has it in for you.

Mission BioHero

The player assumes the role of a divine being sent to Earth to destroy it after it is deemed beyond saving by the elders. The character arrives on Earth and experiences a change of heart. Instead, he decides to help the humans save their planet. Displeased, the elders strip the player of his powers, which he must regain over the course of the game. Both this and helping humanity save the world are the main objectives of the story. The game is divided into campaigns, each of which revolves around a main theme related to sustainability and bioeconomics. Complete these game missions to save the planet!


Die Müll AG (Trashmonsters)

Welcome to the world of the trashmonsters

When it comes to the topic of waste separation, many citizens are able to judge by which types of waste are sorted in their hometown, but when it comes to assigning concrete waste products to the correct bin, most soon reach the limits of their own knowledge. The educational children's game "Die Müll AG", starts where waste separation is to be learned for the first time, in primary school. With its well-thought-out concept and lovingly elaborated story, it appeals to waste sorters of all ages, to whom it introduces correct waste separation as well as the wider world of waste management through its playful approach. The app is packaged as an interactive adventure game, on whose adventure journey the players get to know the charismatic trashmonsters, with whom they overcome all hurdles together.

Arctic Economy (Prototype)

Arctic Economy is comparable to a construction strategy game in the entertainment sector. The game starts with a trailer depicting a dystopian scenario with floods and refugee disasters due to rising sea levels. The player is now faced with the challenge of building an efficient economy, starting with no refugee camp, in Antarctica, which is now arable due to ice melt. He must place households, businesses and other buildings in such a way that a goal-oriented market equilibrium is achieved. In the process, three different characters explain more about market processes and the wider story context to him. In the course of the game, quests (tasks) have to be completed and questions about the contents conveyed have to be answered. The goal is to build an economy in which as many refugee households as possible can be accommodated and supplied. The project is currently in prototype status.


Kibalou is a learning adventure for children aged five to seven, in which players are encouraged to adopt a health-conscious lifestyle. In the game, learning content on the topics of nutrition, food chains, hygiene and exercise is taught in a playful way. The game is named after the main character, an avatar whose color, accessories and name can be modified as desired at the beginning of the game. During the game, which represents a day from the avatar's life, players can choose to behave in a healthy way, but also in an unhealthy way. Whenever a healthy decision is made that is good for the avatar, players earn a star. With each star gained, players advance in the categories of nutrition, hygiene or exercise. The progress of the game is always displayed to the players and evaluated at the end of the game. On the game map, players find three places: the farm, the supermarket and their home. Players walk or drive to the places by selecting them on the map. It is healthier to go on foot or to take the bike instead of the car. At the farm, players can help the farmer plant vegetables and harvest his crops. In the process, players also learn how the food is further processed and eventually gets to the supermarket. In the supermarket, players can buy all kinds of food and some hygiene items. Healthy purchases are rewarded. Once home, the groceries can be whipped up into a delicious meal: Food can be unpacked or cut on the countertop and prepared in the pot or pan. Then the food can be arranged on plates and eaten. Those who eat healthy food will receive stars. If players also wash their hands and clean their fruits and vegetables before eating, they get more stars. After eating, players go to the bathroom to brush their teeth. To do this, toothpaste is put on the toothbrush and then the teeth are brushed until the dirt visible on the teeth has disappeared. The players are instructed with arrows on how to brush. However, to be on the safe side, parents also brush again. In the bedroom, the players can exercise so they get really tired. To do this, they can jump rope or do child-friendly yoga exercises, which gives stars once again. Afterwards, the players go to bed and can view their daily feedback.

DROP TABLE students;

IT-Security Game

Newly hired at an educational institution that has ... let's say... "optimization opportunities" in digital skills, YOU will make sure that no data leaks out or malicious software is installed on company devices! ... right? In classic point'n'click style, players move through the building of an educational institution and help different personalities with their problems. Sharp-witted students try to adjust their ratings or access inappropriate content, some students don't yet understand what can be learned about them if they simply pass on a company device without logging out, and on top of that, external people try to access the devices!


The Great Climate Challenge

Polar ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising, weather extremes are in the news every day – climate-related hazards are becoming more intense, longer and more frequent. Climate scientists agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. But where do scientists work in the field to get the facts on climate change? And how do they gather and analyze data from the atmosphere, oceans and land? To find out about these often neglected subjects, the user travels to four remote research stations all over the world (and space) to meet four young scientists in the field. There, many tasks have to be solved by the user to finally receive the “license to have a say in the climate debate”.


„Corrugated“ is a mobile 3D game that takes the player into a virtual corrugated board production plant. Within different scenarios, the players, as an omnipresent character, receive an assignment that describes a disruption in the production process, which must be resolved. Collect – Identify – Solve: Through this process, the players strengthen their problem solving skills based on common problems that can occur in a corrugator. The players move around a virtual corrugator in different scenarios and interact within the game by collecting information from individual people and machines. Important information is stored in the service protocol – the problem can only be identified, when all important clues have been found and understood. Selecting a machine part, the players can choose the problem responsible for the disruption from a variety of possible options. In the next step they have to choose an appropriate action for the solution. The serious game can be connected to a learning management system via a xAPI so that the game can be used during training periods. Via the learning platform, the individual learning progress can be reviewed by the learners themselves and the trainers.


Success through code

Write Python scripts in order to command your ants. Your colony will follow your code, but will it find prosperity? In this RTS Serious Game, the goal is to make you having fun and learning something about Python.

VR Plant Journey

In this virtual reality adventure, you'll explore the inner workings of a canola plant from root to flower. What does canola need to thrive optimally? Learn about the processes in plant cells, playfully help it grow, and become an excellent plant scientist. LEARNING CAN TAKE PLACE ANYWHERE AND AT ANY TIME Together with plant researchers:inside the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Breakpoint One and Simmation have created a high-quality educational experience. VR Plant Journey "Die Reise in die Pflanze" teaches children biological knowledge in a playful way. Thanks to fully immersive virtual reality (VR), players:inside are completely immersed in the inner workings of a canola plant, experience the events up close and can even control them. EDUTAINMENT MEANS ENTERTAINING LEARNING In three chapters - root, leaf and seed - you test out how an optimum of nutrients must be regulated for the development of plant organs. The unusual learning unit is lightened up by playful elements. In the leaf, for example, chloroplasts are thrown with the basic substances of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water; in the root, ammonium and nitrate, important plant nutrients, have to be assembled; and in the seed, oil bodies have to be hit with a bow and arrow so that they grow. The high-quality implementation of the concept is reflected in several internationally renowned award nominations: 2019 for the VRnow Award "Best Learning Solution", 2020 for the Auggie Award "Biggest Societal Impact" and 2020 for the Laval Virtual Award in the category: "VR/AR for Learning and Training".